The Different Types Of Horse Boarding: Which Type Is Best For You?
One may choose to board their horse because they don't have a barn or enough space for a horse or maybe due to other reasons. Whatever the reason might be, one needs to figure out what type of boarding is best for their situation before looking at barns.
My Mane Haven is providing you with information on various type of horse boarding, including pasture board, entire board, partial board, etc. Some barns might only offer one or two types of horse boarding, and other barns might show less or more.
1. Pasture Boarding and Stall Boarding
Pasture board is when the horse won't have a stall to come into, and they are out in a field or paddock all the time, due to which it is also known as field board. Usually, the horse will have a run-in shelter to be able to have relief from the flies or in case of bad weather.
Stall board typically means that the horse has a stall they go into part of the time, and a pasture or turnout paddock can go out for some time. However, some horses might need to stay in a stall all the time if they are at a show barn that does not or if they have injuries.
2. Full Board
Full board is when the barn's staff meets all your horse's daily requirements. Usually, that includes a stall, feed, supplies, hay, turnout area, and all the barn chores like bringing your horse in and out, cleaning the stall, changing waters, picking the paddock, feeding your horse which is done daily. You can go away for a few weeks, come back and know your horse got what they required.
3. Partial board
A partial board is called a semi-rough board and is cheaper than a full board as it doesn't consist of everything that a full board incorporates. You, as the owner, are accountable for either doing part of the work for your horse, providing your horses' supplies, or a combination of both. It will depend on the bar and how they are organized for what you will have to do.
Extra services at horse boarding stables
We have added that we have a list of extra services: horse supplement supplies and equipment, riding lessons, horse training rides, grooming services, Blanketing, feeding supplements, etc.
What type of board is necessary for your horse?
When you decide on the type of horse boarding, you want to think about your horses' names and requirements carefully. Ask yourself a few of these questions to help me figure out which type of board you want:
· What is my budget for bored, which consists of hay grain shavings?
· When am I capable of going to the barn?
· Can I be at the barn maximum of the time and take care of my horse?
· Do I care if I have my phone vet and farrier or use the Barns?
· Do I have enough time to go to the barn every day or two times per day?
We hope that this writing has guided you to understand the different types of horse boardings. Once you figure out what kind of boarding you are going for, the next one is searching for the available barns and selecting one appropriate for you.
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